Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Reed Richards Explains Gun Safety

Art by Dale Eaglesham, taken from Fantastic Four #572 - the superlative conclusion to the inspirational Solve Everything.

Reed Richards Sings Marina and the Diamonds

Since I missed a post last week (at some point, the role of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Education may be a topic for explanation) it's a double post this week. The first is not an explanation, but a song.

Music is I am not a robot by Marina and the Diamonds, pictures from by the late Mike Wieringo.

As always, click on the picture for the whole thing

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Namor the Submariner explains tides

This is a return to what I wanted Idea102 to be: a chance for me to actually find some things out and have fun doing it. I now know a bit more about tides and how they work.

Of course, who better to explain them than Namor the Submariner?

From California Dreaming by Matt Fraction and Barry Kitson

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Reed Richards explains if cell phones are bad for you

I was going to explain what to do if your phone mysteriously stops sending text messages, but can still receive them and can make calls, but it's no more complicated than "Take the battery out. Leave it for a bit. Turn it back on"

And, for the first time, a bibliography

Are cell-phones safe? Researches still uncertain
Mobile phones tumour risk to young children
Mobile phones 'more dangerous than smoking'